A better health check. Finally.

Get a thorough health check, like you've never experienced before. Receive all your results instantly and have unrushed time with a doctor to review and discuss them.

Book a ScanBook a Scan

Our preventive health scan track millions of data points, and the visit takes less than an hour

How it works

Your Heart

Go beyond arm blood pressure. Get a whole-body mapping of your cardiovascular health.

Your Skin

Do a full-body examination of your skin spots and birthmarks and monitor changes.

Your Body

Your body is the key to living a long and healthy life. The better you understand it, the more you can improve how you feel.

Neko Health keeps you

ahead of your health.

Doctor-led Care

At Neko Health, doctors make all the decisions during the analysis and carefully evaluate your results to give you personalized recommendations.

Immediate Results

The results are available immediately. Your doctor will discuss them with you during your visit so you don't have to wait weeks to find out how you are doing.

Safe, Secure.

At Neko Health, you control and manage all your data. After all, it is your health.


The insights you get from Neko Health are based on personal and unique readings from your own body, not general statistics. We follow each individual change to highlight your specific health needs.

Always Updated

Our systems are developed to be continuously improved with the help of AI technology so that you always have access to the best possible care.

What are others saying?

Superb experience, from start to finish. It truly felt like the healthcare of the future. Advanced measurements and sensors, the design of the premises, the staff's approach, and the visualization and reports afterwards. 10 out of 10.


Finally, an absolutely fantastic solution to get all the results in one visit. By having annual checks and comparisons, one can see changes and detect unwelcome health conditions early. You get a thorough analysis of your health status by a doctor.


The most complete health examination I have been to. Incredibly competent doctor who immediately talked about all the tests, results, and analysis. So amazingly interesting and exciting to be able to follow one's health over time. Extra fun that Neko is close to research and collects data also for the future!


A check-up that everyone should do annually. For a small fee, you get a relatively comprehensive health check. Moreover, the staff is very competent and pleasant. Highly recommended.


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